Arriving in Australia

Preparing your life
in Australia

Make your adventure to Australia as great as it can be. Start off doing key things right.

Getting Ready: Make the most out of your Australian life.

The InternMatch Arrival Program is designed to help international students who have just arrived in Australia adapt to life in a new country. Many students seek to complete their university degree and stay on to work and possibly establish a life in Australia.

Preparing for a successful career begins as soon as a student arrives. Immersion in English language, for instance, has a huge impact on job readiness, and in the two years of a masters program, for instance, huge strides can be made improving conversation and communication. 

Networking can also start from the very beginning of a students journey in Australia. 

student getting ready to live in Australia.

Arrival Learning Resources

The InternMatch Executive Development program contains reports, articles, courses and other learning materials to prepare students for their life in Australia, internship, and ultimately an executive career in an Australian context. The materials below are a sample of the complete range of information and skill development learning modules that exist in the platform.

Neuroscience at Work

Understanding how your brain works, and how it will respond in pressure situations is as important an executive as an athlete’s muscle responses under stress or load.

Pareto Principle & Price's Law

80% of many outcomes occur from 20% of inputs. Similarly, 80% of problems are caused by 20% of sources. Learn about the Pareto principle and how you can apply it for better work.

Development Strategy Guide

A comprehensive guide outlining effective strategies for community development and engagement.

Internship Program Overview

Detailed insights into our internship programs, designed to enhance career development and skill acquisition.

Sustainability Practices Manual

An informative manual on implementing sustainable practices within organizational frameworks.

Digital Transformation Blueprint

Guidelines and best practices for navigating the digital transformation journey in modern enterprises.

Leadership in Change Management

Key principles and techniques for leading successful change initiatives within organizations.

Community Engagement Toolkit

Tools and resources to effectively engage and collaborate with community stakeholders.

Unlock your potential with our Executive Learning Platform, designed to elevate your career through comprehensive training and resources tailored for aspiring leaders.

Tips before starting an executive job

Understanding the Australian Workplace Culture

  • Research Australian Workplace Culture: Familiarize yourself with Australian business etiquette, workplace hierarchies, and communication styles.
  • Dress Appropriately: Adhere to the company’s dress code, which is often business casual or professional.
  • Be Punctual: Arrive on time or slightly early for work and meetings to demonstrate respect.

Developing Key Skills and Competencies

  • Continuous Learning: Embrace opportunities for professional development, such as training courses, workshops, and conferences.
  • Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Take Initiative: Demonstrate initiative and willingness to take on new responsibilities.

Building Relationships and Networking

  • Proactive Networking: Attend company events, join professional associations, and connect with colleagues to expand your network.
  • Seek Mentorship: Find a mentor who can offer guidance, advice, and support.
  • Be a Team Player: Collaborate effectively with your colleagues and contribute positively to the team.

Career Planning and Progression

  • Set Career Goals: Define your short-term and long-term career objectives.
  • Create a Career Plan: Develop a personalized career plan outlining the steps needed to achieve your goals and timeframes for completion.
  • Explore Career Paths: Research different career paths within your field and identify potential opportunities.

Industry backed training

Participants are trained in high demand digital skillsets. Each course is industry-backed and delivered by a leading university, TAFE or private training provider.

Training streams include:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) / machine learning
  • Cloud computing
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) using Salesforce
  • Cyber security
  • Data analytics
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Digital marketing
  • IT operations and support
  • Product management
  • Programming / software development
  • Project (agile) management
  • User Experience (UX)/ User Interface (UI)
  • Web development

How your business can get involved

Contact us to discuss the people and digital skills your organisation requires.
One of our team members will follow up with more detailed information about the program.