Stories of Success

Dhwani, Dementia Research Institute
Hear about Dhwani’s experience, as a Biomedical intern with the UK Dementia Research Institute; and how this experience set her apart from other candidates.
Student: Dhwani Trivedi
Internship: Bio-Medical Science
University: University of Surrey (UK)
Host Company: UK Dementia Research Institute

After graduating with a Bio-Medical Science degree from the University of Surrey, Dhwani embarked on her journey to gain practical experience in the science and research field, eager to apply her knowledge in a professional environment so she could further enhance her skills.

Securing an internship was a challenge at first, particularly during her placement year at university when pandemic restrictions limited available opportunities. However, after successfully going through the selection process and filtering in any options to what was necessary towards her career, Dhwani was placed at the UK Dementia Research Institute. 

Dhwani was now well on her way to reaching her goal.

Throughout the internship, Dhwani was primarily engaged in laboratory work. Her responsibilities involved processing blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from neighbouring hospitals, preparing them and storing them for use by other researchers. 

Alongside this, she also had the chance to acquire skills in operating SIMOA immunoassay machines that are used to detect which fluid biomarkers are present in biological samples. This not only set Dhwani apart from other candidates in her field but also gave her expertise in handling different types of machinery.

After completing the internship, Dhwani was provided with invaluable skills, knowledge, and exposure to both science and research. The experience further fueled Dhwani’s interest in pursuing a career in this field professionally while also significantly boosting her confidence.

“Once the internship had come to a conclusion, the team at InternMatch continued to support me by providing advice on resume writing, cover letters, and conducting mock interviews, which I greatly appreciated”.

As of today, Dhwani is employed as a Pharmacy Assistant in Aseptic Services, where she contributes to medication preparation and distribution throughout the hospital.

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